I Think That Itch is Scabies: Part 2

So I returned from my holiday in the tropics feeling slightly better, but soon the itching returned even worse than ever and I really began considering the fact that I mite have scabies.

I noticed that when I squeezed my itchy bumps a clear fluid came out so this was unlike anything I had ever had wrong with my skin. I booked an appointment to see my doctor.  At the doctor’s office I was examined and asked questions about my activities. Since I hadn’t spent time in any of the hotspot places for scabies ie. nursing homes or homeless shelters, my doctor wasn’t convinced I had scabies. Also I have a great immune system so my bumps weren’t that swollen or obvious, just really itchy.

He diagnosed me with folliculitis which is basically an infection of the hair follicles. He prescribed me an antibiotic as well as an antihistamine and sent me own my way. I was so relieved that I didn’t have scabies and couldn’t wait until the antibiotics kicked in. Much to my disappointment days later there was no change and it was actually worse.

I didn’t want to go back to the doctor right away and quite frankly I was a bit upset that I was misdiagnosed. I bought some really expensive moisturizer as I thought it just might be weeping eczema. This stuff was full of natural oils and was supposed to remedy the worst skin conditions, well it didn’t end the itching so I eventually went back to the doctor and he was finally convinced that I did indeed have scabies. I had to also accept the awful truth and begin the treatment.

Little did I know the magic lotion and methods I was prescribed wouldn’t exactly be as simple as they were made out to be in treating my scabies infection.

One thought on “I Think That Itch is Scabies: Part 2

  • September 27, 2014 at 9:50 am

    Excellent information and pictures about scabies I am now 100% certain about my condition. The red fluid filled bumps on my hands are exactly the same as in the picture; along with the rash and bumps on my wrists . I have bookmarked your site, and read the tips on eliminating scabies. Tomorrow will be a busy cleaning day, and trip to the doctor ( I started tonight with natural tea tree oil treatments) . My social work job in the Arctic exposes me to many different challenges; poverty and families living in close quarters many whom lack running water and laundry/shower facilities . Unfortunately these are factors which are hosts for many different mites and head lice. outbreaks in our villages. I travel frequently, and exposure to the elements; cruel weather and wild animals namely wolves and bears ( polar and brown) are genrally the bigger concerns ..so the infectious diseases those tiny body bugs seem innocuous until they hitch a ride on your person. So thank you after numerous hours researching I can end my night with a good plan and to rest assured ..that even those of us with proper hygiene can pick up these pesky hitchhikers.


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